School Governance
The Principal, School Management Team and staff are responsible to the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education for the academic progress of learners and the day to day running of the school.
The School’s finances, serious learner disciplinary matters and employment of additional staff are handled by the School Governing Body (SGB). The SGB is constituted as laid down by the regulations contained in the South African Schools Act. Consequently, parents, staff, the Deaf community and learners are all represented.
In addition, the SGB has several co-opted members who provide additional skills to the school. Committees of the SGB deal with matters of Finance, Maintenance, Academic Matters, Health and Safety and Fundraising among other things.
Annual Budgets are prepared and approved by the parent body and strict control is exercised over expenditure.
Strategic Planning is carried out on a regular basis where long and short-term objectives are reviewed and strengths and weaknesses examined.